098 ~ Acknowledgment Is A Two-Way Street

The Art of Grateful Leadership
The Art of Grateful Leadership
098 ~ Acknowledgment Is A Two-Way Street

Do you know that acknowledgment is a two-way street?


The art of accepting an acknowledgment should be practiced too.

It is simple, but as they say, simple is not always easy.

We are all Acknowledgment Ambassadors spreading the Acknowledgment Message and Its Importance in today’s world and, into the future. But each of us can feel uncomfortable in receiving an acknowledgment

Let’s take a closer look at this…

 Here’s the link to the  Dale Carnegie Training of Michigan article quoted in this episode: 


Keywords: #IWorkForGM; Art of Grateful Leadership; Power of Acknowledgment; Grateful Leader; Judith W Umlas; James G Trela; Center for Grateful Leadership; Leadership; Management; Employee Retention; AGL; CGL;