By Harry Waldron
Affirmation is both acknowledge + gratitude wrapped together. It encourages superior performance. Gardeners have noted, “talk to your plants & they will grow even better.” And that analogy is an HR best practice for 2021. There is even some “science” — as plants actually thrive on extra CO2. The team leader is like a gardener – who waters, nurtures, and affirms with patience. hat positive light allows professionals to grow in the skills, contributions, synergy, and value for the organization.
Acknowledge superior effort as it encourages repeat performances
Find time to affirm, thank, and connect with team members virtually
Forests start from small seedlings – plant the seeds of grateful leadership
Investing in people is more important than technology or equipment
Remember to acknowledge the team & its members on successful projects
Make the start of each new day a positive one & you will grow as a leader
An inclusive leader binds diverse individuals into a united team that succeeds
Never neglect constructive critique when needed – just do it more gratefully
Devote time as a leader in getting to know team members better
Give twice as much time to listening than speaking
Recognizing others will result in grateful leader’s skills being recognized
Only the “positive” terminal on a battery will start a car
When murphy’s law occurs, acknowledge superior effort even if not successful