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The Power of Acknowledgment

6-hour self-paced course, 6 PDU’s 6 SEU’s

The Power of Acknowledgment is an ingenious yet clear-cut model of behavior and action. These behaviors and actions, when properly practiced by people on an ongoing basis, is transformational.  According to author/trainer Judith W. Umlas’ experience of 14 years of training and delivery practice globally, it will change your interactions with everyone in both your personal and professional life in profound and positive ways. Your behavior and way of being will actually transform this practice. And when enough people are doing this — at least most of the time — the world will also change in amazing ways.

That’s her vision, and when enough people participate in this behavioral change model it’s also her prediction! In this interactive, engaging, high-impact, and fun course, you will be given the priceless tools that you can put into immediate action. These help you overcome your barriers to acknowledging others in heartfelt and authentic ways. Inspiring stories and case studies will move and energize you. And you will actually get to practice your new or enhanced skills.

This course will become a catalyst for an immediate, positive change in your life and the lives of others who are part of your world!

Click here for Power of Acknowledgment full course details and registration. (Use Coupon Code CGLMEMBERS during Checkout)

Watch the Demo Below!


Grateful Leadership® on-demand

7-hour self-paced course, 7 PDU’s/HRCI credits, 7 SEU’s

Click to Preview the Course Demo here!

Click here for full Grateful Leadership course details and registration. (Discount pre-applied at checkout when using this link)


The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval


Also Available:

Grateful Leadership™ Traditional Classroom or Live Virtual Classroom**

Join us for an exciting live classroom presented by Judith W. Umlas in New York City in Person, or a live virtual instruction delivered to participants online!

**IIL can schedule this course at your convenience with a minimum of five participants. For more information please email


Use discount code POASPECIAL for a 10% discount on courses or Grateful Leadership Products!


For more information about claiming PDU’s click here.

For more information about claiming SEU’s click here.

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