Fanning the Flames


Jim Trela

Back in January, I got some examples from a participant in IIL’s Grateful Leadership On Demand course, of acknowledgments people had been invited to send, in one of the interactive exercises. It was called “The Knock Your Socks Off Power of Acknowledgment Exercise for Grateful Leaders.” James G. Trela, PMP, MBA, MS-IST and Sr. Project Manager at General Motors, gave two outstanding examples of what he had sent to people he worked with, and also described the impact of the course on him:

“Thank you for a profound course,” he wrote. “Your passion really came through as you hosted the on-demand course. It will leave a mark on my professional life and, hopefully, on those people I encounter.” I believe that IIL’s course only ignited and subsequently fanned the flame of desire to let people know they were appreciated that Jim had always felt, but not acted upon as regularly and profoundly as he would have liked.

Since January, when we first started emailing back and forth, I have seen the flame of Jim’s enthusiasm for this initiative being fanned and creating a great light. And without a doubt, it has grown higher and brighter since we started. The “evidence” of this became very clear when Jim, the proud developer of a podcast series called “The Production Line,” asked me to be a guest on the show. The dialogue, which I would like to share with all of you, was far-ranging, deep, inspirational and entertaining. Great job, Jim! And thanks for keeping the flame of Grateful Leadership burning bright! I am grateful!

(Click the image below to open the podcast in a new tab)