I led a half day course on The Power of Acknowledgment recently in New York City, and a lovely woman, DeVonne Salliey wrote this to me as a followup:
“I really enjoyed the course, and haven’t stopped talking about it yet. If you recall, I asked you about “pay it forward” which was in the course notes…..I’d never heard of it. Well, based on a recommendation from my co-worker, Cynthia, I rented the movie “Pay It Forward” and watched this weekend. It was a little heavy for my kids (5 & 7 yrs), however we discussed the premise and characters in great detail and I even drew pictures to illustrate how the character stories inter-related and how the one-to-three relationship can spread “goodness” so quickly. When I asked if there were any questions, I got one from my 5 year old. She wanted to know why she had to limit her “pay-it-forward” acts of kindness to ONLY three people!! As you can imagine, I was thrilled. And I even agreed to let them watch the last 20 minutes or so of the movie with me later this week.
Thanks again for a great course.”
DeVonne Salliey
Enterprise Program Management (EPMO)
Strategy and Development
Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
I acknowledge DeVonne for exploring and sharing this concept with her two wonderfully and delightfully aware daughters, Deja and Dena. I acknowledge the girls for their openness to the power of acknowledgment and its “pay it forward” effects on people. And I especially want to thank five year old Dena for not wanting to play small, in spite of her age and size — and wanting to pay it forward on a grand scale! If we start exposing children to the power of acknowledgment and its associated benefits early, imagine what the world will be like in generations to come!
Coincidentally, last week I spoke to my two nephews, Michael (age 7) and David (age 5) about why I was out in San Diego, California, near their home. I explained that I had been talking to 1,000 people about the book I had written, The Power of Acknowledgment, at a conference. They wanted to know what an acknowledgment was, which I explained to them. A short time later, I heard David saying to MIchael, “You are really good at playing soccer.” Michael thanked him, and then David turned to me and said — in case I had missed it — “That was an acknowledgment!” Later, I heard Michael, who was actually reading the autographed copy of the book I had given to his brother and him, say that I was a really good writer. Then, with a smile he added, “That was an acknowledgment!” Wow! I was pretty amazed at how quickly they had grasped the concept and put it to use.
It was at that moment that I started thinking about what my next book might be (everyone keeps asking me, so I will tell you about my idea first): The Power of Acknowledgment for Kids. What do you think? I feel that it could be pretty awesome to get them started early. I asked Michael and David if they would like to be part of my editorial advisory board and get a credit in the book. They both said “Yes!” immediately and then asked me what that meant. I said they would have to review what I wrote and give me feedback. They were very agreeable, and I think if I do move forward with this project, that I will ask Deja and Dena to be part of my team as well. I suspect they will say “Yes”!
The Boys (Michael and David) were thrilled to see your acknowledgment of their participation. They totally love their Aunt Judy and family.
I had an experience last night I wanted to share with you. My friend (sort of my 5th son) Greg called me last night. He was sad and didn’t know why. He is a very creative individual and with no prior experience (mostly by himself), created, directed, and produced a fantastic movie, “Catalina The Magic Isle”.
He now completed his second movie, “Fields of Fuel” with a partner. The movie was just fast tracked for consideration for an Academy Award and he should have been happy. He had held an experience of his partner that he wasn’t good enough and eventually had a falling out with him. The partner finished the movie without Greg’s input. The movie is powerful and will make a difference in the world of alternative fuels.
Greg and I spoke for a long time and I shared “The Power of Acknowledgment” with him. We got clear that Greg was sad because he had stopped supporting his partner. What he needed to do was acknowledge his partner for his excellence so Greg could be complete and happy with their accomplishment.
Greg will need to use the “Power of Acknowledgment” to take his career to the next level. None of us can make it alone. With this revelation, Greg lightened up and was happy about the role he had played in “Fields of Fuel” and the possibility of an Academy Award.
Thanks for your contribution to the world. It is a better place that you are here.
(That was an acknowledgment)
With love and admiration, your brother Carl
A few weeks ago, Jean wrote of her difficulties in seiurcng good press photos of Philip and me. She posted the photo I sent her of me swimming with dolphins in Ixtapa, Mexico. I was particularly pleased with Janet’s comment in my defense. In that spirit, I submit these pictures for consideration by readers of our humble blog.
The purchases I make are etrniely based on these articles.
Gee whiz, and I thoghut this would be hard to find out.
Dear Carl,
What a wonderful story about the power of acknowledgment. I am thrilled when I hear how simple it is for someone to change his or her reality and that of the people they relate to, just by delivering a heartfelt and authentic acknowledgment. In this case, Greg and his partner will undoubtedly have a more gratifying and intimate relationship as a result of Greg’s acknowledgment, and Greg will then be able to truly celebrate their accomplishment. Please offer my congratulations!
And I’m also delighted that my nephews, Michael and David, are on board with me in terms of starting this practice early! It will be an honor and a pleasure to “work” with them.
And you, my dear brother, truly make a difference in the world, and in mine every day! And that, too, was an acknowledgment! (Author’s note: Some information about Carl’s humanitarian pursuits can be found in Chapter 5 of The Power of Acknowledgment. He is truly amazing!)
Moving to Alaska with my girlfriend in like 4-6 years :3Which is quite ionric, as I’m moving from one of the most southern most states in the United States, to the Northern Most state. But I LOVE the cold, and dark, so WOO!
I couldn’t agree more. I disadcovadered Greg at the Alberta Street Fair in Portadland last sumadmer and was just blown away. Its amazading, but I can’t even wrap my brain arnuod how you would begin to setup a stenadcil that large. I would love to see a short docaduadmenadtary on his process.…david? jimmy? karl? any takers?
Your site is good Really, i’ve encounter your pubsilh which was very informative and very entertaining personally. Appreciate posting Really May Be. I’ll recommend your website to my pals. Cheers.That’s just brilliant! there’s nothing simpler but that’s the important thing factor for the success. I truly adore all you needed to express. Continue since you certainly bring a totally new voice with this particular subject. It’s information I’ve been looking for a super very long time
Hi Judith,
I want to acknowledge you for following up with me so quickly yesterday! I was surprised and honored that you took the time to help me personally. Thank you.
I absolutely LOVE the idea for your new book! I can’t wait to get my copy and to share it with my three boys. Please let me know if there is anything we can help you with.
Peace, Love, Happiness, and Infinite Blessings,
– Wow-these are awesome and super inrsnpiig. They just made me want to get off my rear and go shoot. Awesome Jenny! I love the one with their hands.February 6, 2010 10:56 pm
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your wonderful support of the book I am writing, The Power of Acknowledgment for Kids (working title). I will let you know when it is ready for a “focus group” — I hope your three sons will be willing to participate and give me their feedback on it. I am very excited by the openness of young children to this message. And imagine how great it would be if they learned to use the power of acknowledgment easily and gracefully at a very young age. Wouldn’t the world be a different place if that were the case!
Warmest regards,
I actually think that this is the kind of photo pepole would much prefer to see think of it. A built-in ice breaker for Greg, and the pepole who’d be choosing him to speak/present/etc.I’m frankly tired of seeing shots of pepole in suits. They look kind of stuffy and old fashioned. Let’s hear it for personality in ppublicity photos!