PMI Buffalo Chapter Inspired Contest and…(drumroll): The Winners!

You might remember our post in early October about the unusual Appreciation Award that Judy received from the PMI Buffalo chapter for speaking about Grateful Leadership at its Fall Professional Development Day. This is what we posted:

The first ever Judith W. Umlas Gratitude Gift goes to the PMI Buffalo Chapter, for bestowing upon her the “Most Adorable and Heaviest Appreciation Memento” she ever received in her decade of speaking engagements. As this is a new prize, she would like your suggestions as to what to give the Chapter! There will also be a prize for the commenter who comes closest to guessing the weight of the PMI Buffalo Chapter Award – it was too heavy for Judy to carry home!

As a result of these contests, we are actually going to give out multiple awards! First, we will also be sending the PMI Buffalo chapter a Grateful Leadership Gift Bundle to thank them for such an honor. What they gave Judy is a real piece of art and is most definitely appreciated and treasured!

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Next, we want to acknowledge Yves Jordan, PMP for this creative suggestion: “An option would be to send an autographed photo of you dressed like “Buffalo Bill” 🙂 The best gift would certainly be a sincere acknowledgement regarding the kind gesture and the warm welcome.” We loved both of his ideas, and present this slight modification: Judy dressed up as “Buffalo Jill”! Because we enjoyed your creative idea so much, Yves, we are pleased to award you First Prize, which is a free IPMDay 2015 registration. This includes a complimentary Grateful Leadership On Demand course and Judy’s Keynote Address, which you said you wanted to view: From Cowardly Lion to Lion-Hearted Leader.


The Buffalo Chapter will also receive a framed version of this photo, with IIL’s sincere thanks and appreciation.

The Buffalo Chapter will also receive a framed version of this photo, with IIL’s sincere thanks and appreciation.



Next, we would like to congratulate DeAnna Burghart, Product Manager and “Content Shepherd” for her guess being the farthest away from the actual weight of the Buffalo award! DeAnna guessed this: “Too heavy to carry, clearly solid bronze… I’m going to go with 45 pounds. :)” DeAnna will also receive a free IPM Day registration and Grateful Leadership On Demand course access.

And now, for the results: Drumroll please…. The Buffalo award actually weighed 5.2 pounds (I thought it weighed a lot more)!! Yves guessed 9 pounds, which is pretty close, but the person whose guess came the closest was actually Roxi Nevin, who estimated 7 pounds.


Roxi is an IIL employee, and our social media manager, so she wasn’t officially in the contest, but we would like to present her with autographed copies of Grateful Leadership and The Power of Acknowledgment – both of which she requested!

Our thanks to all for your creative participation, and for your wonderful comments that led to this fun endeavor! So what’s our next contest?