Seminar in a Song…

I was in Trinidad last week, rolling out the pilot of a half day course on The Power of Acknowledgment. I had the good fortune to be on Trinidadian radio and television the day before the seminar. While at the radio station, the general manager asked me if I had ever heard the song “Appreciation” by Johnny King. No, I hadn’t had the pleasure, so one of the engineers pulled it out of the station’s archive.  When I got back to my hotel room, I played it and nearly fell over. Here is just the refrain from the delightful calypso song:

“Because appreciation is on the human mind
Everyone need some for happiness all the time
Because of importance if we strive to live
Everyone’s on the hunt, every man ought to give…generously”

 Isn’t this wonderful?! I thought it was so great that I played the CD (over and over and over) as people came into the room for our session, and they loved it. It certainly helped set the stage! What I taught in a half day, this talented singer said in a song. Well, maybe I also drove home the 7 Principles of Acknowledgment in that half day. The results seemed to show it. It was an honor and a pleasure for me to bring forth this powerful tool in such a high-impact way.