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Grateful Leadership® Certified Professional

The Grateful Leadership™ Certified Instructor of 3-Hour Grateful Leadership Workshop

Why become certified to be a Grateful Leadership Instructor?

You took part in some Grateful Leadership experience, and saw the transformational results! You realize the huge difference that this initiative makes to people all over the world – in their workplaces, their families, and their communities! You know you want to be part of the global team that brings this work everywhere to let people know how critical it is to show others that they value their contributions and appreciate who they are. You know you can make this difference! Getting there is not hard – it just takes your passion, commitment, and perseverance!

Steps to Certification:

  1. Fill out the Grateful Leadership™ Certified Instructor Application below
  2. 30-minute interview with Judy Umlas, author, facilitator, creator of Grateful Leadership to determine if you are the right candidate for this.
    If accepted as a trainee, you will receive the following:
    1. Schedule of monthly Grateful Leadership workshops for you to choose from to attend as a participant
    2. Online access to Grateful Leadership 7-hour On-Demand Video Interactive course
    3. Instructor’s Guide/Workbook and Powerpoint slides for 3-hour workshop
    4. Grateful Leadership textbook
    5. A detailed timeline of a 3-hour session with activities
    6. 60-90 minute recording of Judy Umlas teaching the Grateful Leadership class
  3. Schedule a 3-hour walk-through of slides and exercises with Judy Umlas.
  4. Once you have practiced and learned the materials, a three-hour session is scheduled with Judy Umlas in which you “train” her in the modules of the 3-hour workshop with particular emphasis on the module with the distinction between Recognition vs Acknowledgment (if more work is needed, then you will do it again for her at another time).
  5. You will deliver a Grateful Leadership 3-hour workshop in which you train a group of people virtually or in-person at which Judy will be present and provide feedback at the break and following completion of the session.
  6. If feedback from Judy Umlas and participants is favorable, you will then receive certification.
  7. Judy Umlas is available for “quick coaching” as necessary on an ongoing basis (longer sessions are available at an hourly rate).

Certification cost::

$2,950 corporate rate
$2,450 not for profit and individual rate

Grateful Leadership Materials cost:

$95 per person (includes workbook and textbook) – corporate rate
$85 per person – not for profit and individual rate

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