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Guest Blog

Grateful Leadership is a new and engaging model of leadership born from the critical need for leaders to be able to demonstrate with generosity, humility and authenticity that they truly value, appreciate and can validate the people who help make their businesses and communities a success. Various thought leaders touch on aspects of this leadership model, and it is a great honor for IIL to be able to reach out to some of them and invite them to contribute to the dialogue we are creating with you, our readers.

Please watch the Guest Blog column as we welcome key contributors to shed new light on topics related to Grateful Leadership, and send us your suggestions for who you would like to see in this column.

Send your ideas to Judy Umlas.

  Guest-Blog-Author-Image---Don-Frick  Guest-Blog-Author-Image----Ed-Hoffman  Guest-Blog-Author-Image---Marci-Shmioff  gbthumbhundley2


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